About Lynley

Even though I’ve been studying self development since I was a child, my work in this field did not come as expected.

To be quite vulnerable, I was feeling lost and feeling like I didn’t belong in this world. I used to struggle with self-sabotage and because of this I was never able to see the strengths I had. So much so that even though my passion was clear to be of service, I struggled through other careers because I didn’t think I was worthy enough to follow the voice within me to pursue my passion.

This insecurity was so painful because I felt like I had said no to life and given up on myself. I was working a low paying job, in a career I had no passion for. I was living my life full in the world of shoulds and not listening to my own inner voice.

Eventually I became depressed, resentful and I wanted to runaway from my marriage, my friends and life. Upon all of this, I was making choices that were not in alignment with my values.

Then I discovered Tapping! With the help of a Tapping practitioner, I starting implementing it, and then soon after started studying it. Over time, it gave me the strength and courage I needed to express myself, be myself and reignite my passion for the service of helping others.

So even though I’ve come a long way, I’m still so present to the struggle that so many entrepreneurs face. Which is why I do the work that I do because I don’t want anyone to anyone walk away from their purpose just because they don’t feel worthy. I want them to thrive and enjoy life!

My Professional Background

Lynley has been studying personal development and spirituality for 20-plus years. She devoted most of her twenties to her spiritual growth living at a meditation retreat center in Oregon. Now as a Pro EFT Practitioner she is leading group programs, supporting other coaching programs, and working with her clients 1:1.

She is passionate about supporting female entrepreneurs who feel frozen by self-doubt and the fear of being seen. She helps them discover and clear the roadblocks to their success, so they can increase their confidence, increase their wealth, and build a business they love, without losing their values or authenticity.